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Doing Your Happy Dance
How does happiness show up in your body? How can people tell that you are happy? When I thought about this and observed my behavior (or...
Catharsis Songs
So, you know I’ve been working out this sorrow and I'm a singer. The two go really well together! Catharsis songs are songs that help you...
Techniques for Moving Anger and Sorrow
When we last left our story, I’d just had a sorrow inducing event and was choosing to experience the sorrow and anger rather than...
BOO! When Happiness Is Scary
We’ve all had those moments – utter despair, blinding rage, simmering anger. It’s from that place that “happiness” is the most scary....
The Road Back from The Dark Night of the Soul
I’m a rather calm, grounded, happy … even sparkly…. person. So, when people find out about “my road”, they usually can’t believe it. Not...
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